Image verification - broken image

18 years 5 months ago #73 by Ruby
I can't seem to find any instructions on setting up the guestbook. It seems to be working properly on my test site, except for the image verification. I keep getting a broken image there. Am I missing something? It's in a test area on my site: I definitely need the image verification function, so any help would be appreciated.


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18 years 5 months ago #74 by Pete

That broken image indicates that the image verification image did not generate properly. Double check and make sure that your hosting account does in fact have GD Libraby 2.0.x installed on your server.

DigiOz Webmaster

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15 years 2 months ago #1146 by kylboy06
I am having the same problem, the image is broken for the image verification. I thought GD version was too low, but you can see here that it isn't. Also, here is the config file I am using.

It is exactly as follows, except the username, password, and blocklists have been edited for obvious reasons. If anyone has any suggestions on how to fix this problem, please let me know, I have been trying to figure this out for almost a month now, with no success, I even switched from hosting the site on my own server, to godaddy hosting, because I thought it might help, and with as much spam as I get, I have to have the image verification feature. Thanks.
<?php // Variables for making a field optional in form ------------------------------------- $email_optional = 1; // Set "1" for optional email, "0" to make it required $name_optional = 0; // Set "1" for optional name, "0" to make it required $location_optional = 1; // Set "1" for optional location, "0" to make it required $message_optional = 0; // Set "1" for optional message, "0" for required // Variables for notifying administrator when a new message is posted ---------------- $notify_admin = 0; // Set "1" to notify administrator through email // when a new guestbook entry is written. // Warning: To use this feature you will have to have // your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini set. // Enter the admin notification email subject bellow $notify_subject = "You have a new entry in your DigiOz Guestbook"; // Enter administrative email to receive notification $notify_admin_email = ""; // Body of the notification message $notify_message = "A new entry has been submitted to your DigiOz Guestbook."; // Variable for choosing language file name ----------------------------------------- $default_language = "language.php"; // Image Verification Feature ------------------------------------------------------- $image_verify = 1; // Do Image Verification to prevent spam post // This option requires your PHP to have been // compiled with GD 2.0.x or higher library so // it may not work with all server environments. // However, image verification is the MOST effective // way of getting rid of spam, so we highly recommend it. // Admin Interface Username --------------------------------------------------------- $_Username = "<--Username-->"; $_Password = "<--Password-->"; // Flood protection setting --------------------------------------------------------- $gbflood = 0; // Set "1" to prevent flooding, "0" to disable it $referersKey = 0; // Set "1" to check to see where submitted guestbook // messages are coming from or "0" to disable it $referers = array ( '', // Your domain name without WWW '', // Your domain name with WWW ''); // IP Address of your site $gbIPLogKey = 1; // Set "1" to log IP of Visitor for each post "0" to disable $banIPKey = 1; // Set "1" to block posting of banned IP or "0" to disable // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Bellow you can list known IP addresses you would like to block. ----------------- // We have given you a list of known spammers bellow. Feel free -------------------- // to either use our list or delete our list and create your own ------------------- // based on the IP logs of the guestbook. For updates to our list ------------------ // of known spammers please visit or email our ---------------------- // tech support team. -------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $banned_ip = array(); $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; // Bad word filter for guestbook ----------------------------------------------------- $gbBadWordsKey = 1; // Set "1" to filter bad words, "0" to not filter $gbBadWords = array( "<--badword-->", "<--badword-->", "<--badword-->", "<--badword-->", "<--badword-->", "<--badword-->", "<--badword-->", "<--badword-->", "<--badword-->", "<--badword-->", "<--badword-->", "<--badword-->", "<--badword-->"); // Spam Detection ------------------------------------------------------------------- $gbSpamKey = 1; // Set "1" to Block Spam based on Keyword entered $gbSpam = array ( "<--badword-->", "<--badword-->", "<--badword-->", "<--badword-->", "<--badword-->", "<--badword-->", "<--badword-->", "<--badword-->", "<--badword-->", "<--badword-->", "<--badword-->", "<--badword-->", "<--badword-->", "<--badword-->", "<--badword-->", "<--badword-->", "<--badword-->", "<--badword-->", "<--badword-->"); // End of Configuration File -------------------------------------------------------- ?>

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15 years 2 months ago #1150 by Pete
Hello kylboy06,

The reason your image verification is not working is because of the fact that your webhost is inserting advertisement HTML into the random.php file:
ÿØÿà</iframe></noscript></object></layer></span></div></table></body></html><!-- adsok --> <script language='javascript' src=''></script>

This automatically turns the image normally rendered by "random.php" file into an HTML file (because of the HTML content), which is preventing the image from showing up.

What you have to do is to contact your webhost and explain this issue to them and ask them to turn off Advertisement inserting for that one file "random.php".


DigiOz Webmaster

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15 years 2 months ago #1154 by kylboy06
thank you, this is exactly what is wrong, I realize it now, because when I right clicked on the broken image and told it show image, it showed me the random characters that appear before the ad. My next question is, is there any easy way to get around this, because I called godaddy, and they are in no way willing to remove the ad. So is there some kind of work around, like would I be able to use free hosting elsewhere, that doesn't have as much space/bandwidth, to host just the random.php file, and somehow link it to the guestbook on the godaddy hosting, or maybe something simpler?

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15 years 2 months ago #1157 by Pete
You could try using a free PHP webhosting like 110mb:

Install your guestbook on that site, and reference it from your site inside an iframe.


P.S. I can obviously not guarantee 110mb's webhosting. I have not used their service in the past, but from what I read on their site it would do the trick for you.

DigiOz Webmaster

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