Guestbook 'Add Entry' not working ...

10 years 6 months ago - 10 years 6 months ago #13773 by webtrekker
Hi. I've uploaded DigiOz Gueatbook to my server and followed all instructions, including setting file permissions to 777 as suggested but whenever I try to add a new entry by clicking the Submit button I am greeted with a page of gobbledygook looking something like this ...

$max))) return FALSE; return $string; } // sanitize a string in prep for passing a single argument to system() (or similar) function sanitize_system_string($string, $min='', $max='') { $pattern = '/(;|\||`|>|<|&|^|"|'."\n|\r|'".'|{|}|[|]|\)|\()/i'; // no piping, passing possible environment variables ($), // seperate commands, nested execution, file redirection, // background processing, special commands (backspace, etc.), quotes // newlines, or some other special characters $string = preg_replace($pattern, '', $string); $string = '"'.preg_replace('/\$/', '\\\$', $string).'"'; //make sure this is only interpretted as ONE argument $len = strlen($string); if((($min != '') && ($len < $min)) || (($max != '') && ($len > $max))) return FALSE; return $string; } // sanitize a string for SQL input (simple slash out quotes and slashes) function sanitize_sql_string($string, $min='', $max='') { $string = nice_addslashes($string); //gz $pattern = "/;/"; // jp $replacement = ""; $len = strlen($string); if((($min != '') && ($len < $min)) || (($max != '') && ($len > $max))) return FALSE; return preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $string); } // sanitize a string for SQL input (simple slash out quotes and slashes) function sanitize_ldap_string($string, $min='', $max='') { $pattern = '/(\)|\(|\||&)/'; $len = strlen($string); if((($min != '') && ($len < $min)) || (($max != '') && ($len > $max))) return FALSE; return preg_replace($pattern, '', $string); } // sanitize a string for HTML (make sure nothing gets interpretted!) function sanitize_html_string($string) { $pattern[0] = '/\&/'; $pattern[1] = '//"; $pattern[3] = '/\n/'; $pattern[4] = '/"/'; $pattern[5] = "/'/"; $pattern[6] = "/%/"; $pattern[7] = '/\(/'; $pattern[8] = '/\)/'; $pattern[9] = '/\+/'; $pattern[10] = '/-/'; $replacement[0] = '&'; $replacement[1] = '<'; $replacement[2] = '>'; $replacement[3] = '

... and so on ...

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? I'd love to get this feature working on a site I'm designing.

Last edit: 10 years 6 months ago by Pete.

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10 years 6 months ago #13780 by Pete

Let's start with some basic questions:

1. Have you made any customization to the look of the guestbook, and if so what files have you changed?
2. What version of the Guestbook are you running?
3. What version of PHP are you running?
4. Have you made any fields optional, and if so which ones?
5. Please post you're config.php file content (with the exception of the admin username and password)


DigiOz Webmaster
The following user(s) said Thank You: webtrekker

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10 years 6 months ago #13781 by webtrekker
Hi Pete. Thanks for the quick response.

1. I have made no customizations. I am running the guestbook 'out of the box' so to speak.

2. I am running version 2.0 of Guestbook.

3. My PHP version is 5.5.9

4. I have not made any fields optional.

5. Here's my config.php file ...
<?php if(!defined('IN_GB')) { die('Direct access not permitted'); } // Version of this Guestbook --------------------------------------------------------- $gb_version = "2.0.0"; // Theme directory ------------------------------------------------------------------- $theme = "default"; // Variables for making a field optional in form ------------------------------------- $email_optional = 0; // Set "1" for optional email, "0" to make it required $name_optional = 0; // Set "1" for optional name, "0" to make it required $message_optional = 0; // Set "1" for optional message, "0" for required // Variables for notifying administrator when a new message is posted ---------------- $notify_admin = 0; // Set "1" to notify administrator through email // when a new guestbook entry is written. // Warning: To use this feature you will have to have // your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini set. // Enter the admin notification email subject bellow $notify_subject = "You have a new entry in your DigiOz Guestbook"; // Enter administrative email to receive notification $notify_admin_email = ""; // Body of the notification message $notify_message = "A new entry has been submitted to your DigiOz Guestbook."; // Guestbook Configuration Variables ------------------------------------------------ $total_records_per_page = 10; // determines how many messages show per page in list // Variable for choosing language file name ----------------------------------------- $default_language = "language.php"; // Image Verification Feature ------------------------------------------------------- $image_verify = 0; // Set to 1 for simple, or 2 for Recaptcha. // If you select 2, you have to set the Recaptcha // public and private keys below as well // Do Image Verification to prevent spam post // This option requires your PHP to have been // compiled with GD 2.0.x or higher library so // it may not work with all server environments. // However, image verification is the MOST effective // way of getting rid of spam, so we highly recommend it. $recaptcha_public_key = ""; // Recaptcha Public Key obtained from $recaptcha_private_key = ""; // Recaptcha Private Key obtained from // Admin Interface Username --------------------------------------------------------- $_Username = "admin"; $_Password = "admin"; // Flood protection setting --------------------------------------------------------- $gbflood = 0; // Set "1" to prevent flooding, "0" to disable it $referersKey = 0; // Set "1" to check to see where submitted guestbook // messages are coming from or "0" to disable it $referers = array ( '', // Your domain name without WWW '', // Your domain name with WWW '111.222.333.444'); // IP Address of your site $gbIPLogKey = 1; // Set "1" to log IP of Visitor for each post "0" to disable $banIPKey = 0; // Set "1" to block posting of banned IP or "0" to disable // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Bellow you can list known IP addresses you would like to block. ----------------- // We have given you a list of known spammers bellow. Feel free -------------------- // to either use our list or delete our list and create your own ------------------- // based on the IP logs of the guestbook. For updates to our list ------------------ // of known spammers please visit or email our ---------------------- // tech support team. -------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $banned_ip = array(); $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; $banned_ip[] = ''; // Bad word filter for guestbook ----------------------------------------------------- $gbBadWordsKey = 0; // Set "1" to filter bad words, "0" to not filter $gbBadWords = array( "ass", "bitch", "clit", "cock", "c0ck", "cum", "cunt", "fucking", "fuck", "fuking", "fuk"); // Spam Detection ------------------------------------------------------------------- $gbSpamKey = 1; // Set "1" to Block Spam based on Keyword entered $gbSpam = array ( "cheap", "phentermine", "splinder", "hydrocodone", "vicodin", "vicodin", "pharmacy", "prescription", "buy", "drug", "pills", "soma"); // End of Configuration File -------------------------------------------------------- ?>

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10 years 6 months ago - 10 years 6 months ago #13782 by Pete
Please email me your FTP information to and I will take a look to see why it is not working.

DigiOz Webmaster
Last edit: 10 years 6 months ago by Pete.
The following user(s) said Thank You: webtrekker

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10 years 6 months ago #13784 by webtrekker
Email with FTP settings sent.


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10 years 6 months ago #13785 by Pete
It looks like your Server does not support the shorthand PHP tag "<?" as opposed to "<?php" to open a PHP Code Block. This shorthand notation was used in the file "includes/sanitize" which was written by the "Free Software Foundation". I changed it to use the standard "<?php" notation and everything else is now working.

I left the previous version of the guestbook in that folder as "_guestbook" for your reference. Feel free to delete it if you no longer need it.


DigiOz Webmaster
The following user(s) said Thank You: webtrekker

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