How to view most recent 25 posts

17 years 10 months ago #299 by tunafabulous

I was curious if there is a way to display ONLY the 25 most recent posts in my guestbook? I would then like to include a VIEW ALL POSTS link that is sorted by DESC. Any feedback or examples would be greatly appreciated.


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17 years 10 months ago #300 by Pete

I didn't have time to test this mod. But here is what you basically need to do:
=================== [ Open File list.php ] =========================== --------------------- [ Replace Line 12 ] ---------------------------- $perpage = 10; ---------------------- [ With This ] --------------------------------- $perpage = 25; --------------- [ Replace Line 90 - 111 ] ---------------------------- echo "<center>"; // Creating the Forward and Backward links ---------------------- if ($fwd > 0 && $rwd > 0 && $rwd<$totalpages+1) { echo "<br><a href=\"list.php?page=$fwd&order=$order\">&lt&lt"; echo "<a href=\"list.php?page=$rwd&order=$order\">&gt&gt<br>"; } else if ($fwd == 0) { echo "<a href=\"list.php?page=$rwd&order=$order\">&gt&gt<br>"; } else if ($rwd == 0) { echo "<br><a href=\"list.php?page=$fwd&order=$order\">&lt&lt"; } else if ($rwd == $totalpages+1) { echo "<a href=\"list.php?page=$fwd&order=$order\">&lt&lt<br>"; } for ($i = 1; $i<=$totalpages; $i++) { echo " <b>[ <a href=\"list.php?page=$i&order=$order\"><b>$i</b> ]</b> "; } echo "</center>"; ---------------------- [ With This ] --------------------------------- echo "<center>"; echo "<a href=\"listall.php\">List ALL Entries"; echo "</center>"; ------------------------- [ Copy ] ----------------------------------- File: list.php ----------------------- [ Rename To ] -------------------------------- File: listall.php ==================== [ Open listall.php ] ============================ --------------------- [ Replace Line 73 ] ---------------------------- for ($i=$end-1; $i>$start-2; $i--) ---------------------- [ With This ] --------------------------------- for (count($lines); $i>$start-2; $i--)

Let me know if you get error messages.

DigiOz Webmaster

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17 years 10 months ago #302 by tunafabulous
Thanks Pete, I will give this a try later today and let you know the results.

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17 years 10 months ago #308 by tunafabulous
Hi Pete,

It appears as though your code would work, however the Guestbook that I am working with has been slightly customized. Hopefully you can assist with this fairly simple modification. There is a template.php file that acts as list.php and all the data writes to 50 state.php files. If you wish to view the website to get a better understanding

Here is the file structure of the Guestbook

1= root/
2= root/horror-stories
3= root/horror-stories/data

1 contains the following files
(all 50 states are listed ex.Arizona.php)

2 contains the following files
All of the Guestbook Files

3 contains the following files
(all 50 states are listed ex.Arizona.txt)

Here is the code from the template.php file which originated from list.php
<?php include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/horror-stories/header.php"); $page = $_GET['page']; $order= $_GET['order']; if ($page == "") { $page = 1; } $fwd = $page - 1; $rwd = $page +1; // Setting the default values for number of records per page ------------------------- $perpage = 10; $file = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/$state.php"; //$file = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/horror-stories/data/$state.txt"; $file = "horror-stories/data/" . $state . ".txt"; include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/".$file); // Reading in all the records, putting each guestbook entry in one Array Element ----- $handle = fopen($file, "r"); if (filesize($file) == 0){ // mpg are there any entries to display print "There are currently no entries to display"; // mpg no inform user } else { $datain = fread($handle, filesize($file)); fclose($handle); $out = explode("<!-- E -->", $datain); $outCount = count($out) - 1; $j = $outCount-1; if ($order == "desc") { for ($i=0; $i<=$outCount; $i++) { $lines[$j] = unserialize($out[$i]); $j = $j - 1; } } else { for ($i=0; $i<=$outCount; $i++) { $lines[$i] = unserialize($out[$i]); } } // Counting the total number of entries (lines) in the data text file ---------------- $result = count($lines); $count = $result-1; //echo $count."<br>"; // Caclulate how many pages there are ---------------------------------------- if ($count == 0) { $totalpages = 0; } else { $totalpages = intval(($count - 1) / $perpage) + 1; } $page = $totalpages - ($page - 1); $end = $count - (($totalpages - $page) * $perpage); $start = $end - ($perpage - 1); if ($start < 1) { $start = 1; } //$end = ($perpage * $page) - 1; //$start = $end - $perpage; if ($start < 0) { $start = 0; } //for ($i = $end; $i>=($start-1); $i--) //for ($i = 0; $i<$outCount; $i++) //for ($i=$start-1; $i<$end; $i++) for ($i=$end-1; $i>$start-2; $i--) { //echo $i."<br>end-".$end."-start-".$start; echo "<table bgcolor=#EFEFEF bordercolor=#C0C0C0 border=1 width=500 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=10><tr><td background=\"/horror-stories/images/toolbar.jpg\" height=\"20 \"></td></tr><tr><td>"; echo "<b>$listDatetxt: </b>"; $lines[$i]->showDate(); echo "<br><b>$listnametxt: </b>"; $lines[$i]->showFrom(); echo "<br><b>$listemailtxt: </b><a href=\"mailto:"; $lines[$i]->showEmail(); echo "\">"; $lines[$i]->showEmail(); echo "<br><br><b>$listMessagetxt: </b>"; $lines[$i]->showMessage(); echo "</td></tr></table><br>"; } echo "<center>"; echo "<a href=\"/$state.php\">List ALL Entries"; echo "</center>"; } // mpg end if include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/footer.php"); ?>

Any assistance would be much appreciated.

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17 years 10 months ago #314 by Pete
Sorry bud, I am kind of lost trying to find my way around your site. :D

Can you give me a direct link to the guestbook, so I can see what you are trying to do with it?

DigiOz Webmaster

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17 years 10 months ago #316 by tunafabulous
The guest book is implemented for each of the state pages. It utilizes one template.php file which I have listed the code in my previous post.



Click add new entry if you wish to test.

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