Spam Protection Function for the Guestbook!

18 years 7 months ago #60 by jamer7
Hi, I entered the code as instructed, but I'm still getting spammed. Any chance you can check the code to see if it's right?

<?php // Check to see if email address is valid -------------------------------- function checkmail($youremail) { if (ereg('^[-!#$%&\'*+\\./0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+'.'@'.'[-!#$%&\'*+\\/0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+\.'. '[-!#$%&\'*+\\./0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+$', $youremail)) { return true; } else { return false; } } // Smiley face insertion function -------------------------------------- function smiley_face($yourmessage) { $i = 0; $rep1 = array( "<", ">", "\n" ); $rep2 = array( "&lt;", "&gt;", "<br>" ); $ubb1 = array( "[b]", "[B]", "[/b]", "[/B]", "[u]", "[U]", "[/u]", "[/U]", "[i]", "[I]", "[/i]", "[/I]", "[center]", "[CENTER]", "[/center]", "[/CENTER]" ); $ubb2 = array( "<b>", "<B>", "</b>", "</B>", "<u>", "<U>", "</u>", "</U>", "<i>", "<I>", "</i>", "</I>", "<center>", "<CENTER>", "</center>", "</CENTER>" ); $sm1 = array( ":?:", ":D", ":?", "8)", ":cry:", ":shock:", ":evil:", ":!:", ":frown:", ":idea:", ":arrow:", ":lol:", ":x", ":mrgreen:", ":|", ":P", ":oops:", ":roll:", ":(", ":)", ":o", ":twisted:", ":wink:" ); $sm2 = array( "question", "biggrin", "confused", "cool", "cry", "eek", "evil", "exclaim", "frown", "idea", "arrow", "lol", "mad", "mrgreen", "neutral", "razz", "redface", "rolleyes", "sad", "smile", "surprised", "twisted", "wink" ); $sm3 = array( ": ?:", ":D", ":?", "8)", ":cry:", ":shock:", ":evil:", ":!:", ":frown:", ":idea:", ":arrow:", ":lol:", ":x", ":mrgreen:", ":|", ":P", ": oops :", ":roll:", ":(", ":)", ":o", ":twisted:", ":wink:" ); // Disable HTML Code in message body --------------------------------------------------------------- // Replacing Brackets to disable the insertion of HTML in the Guestbook and breaking long words $yourmessage = wordbreak($yourmessage, 40); for ($i=0; $i<=2; $i++) { $yourmessage = str_replace($rep1[$i], $rep2[$i], $yourmessage); } // UBB Code Insertion --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Replacing UBB tags with the appropriate HTML tag for ($i=0; $i<=15; $i++) { $yourmessage = str_replace($ubb1[$i], $ubb2[$i], $yourmessage); } // Inserting smiley faces for guestbook users for ($i=0; $i<=22; $i++) { $yourmessage = str_replace($sm1[$i], "<img src=\"images/icon_$sm2[$i].gif\" ALT=\"$sm3[$i]\">", $yourmessage); } return $yourmessage; } // Function to breakup log words in message ------------------------- function wordbreak($text, $wordsize) { if (strlen($text) <= $wordsize) { return $text; } # No breaking necessary, return original text. $text = str_replace("\n", "", $text); # Strip linefeeds $done = "false"; $newtext = ""; $start = 0; # Initialize starting position $segment = substr($text, $start, $wordsize + 1); # Initialize first segment while ($done == "false") { # Parse text $lastspace = strrpos($segment, " "); $lastbreak = strrpos($segment, "\r"); if ( $lastspace == "" AND $lastbreak == "" ) { # Break segment $newtext .= substr($text, $start, $wordsize) . " "; $start = $start + $wordsize; } else { # Move start to last space or break $last = max($lastspace, $lastbreak); $newtext .= substr($segment, 0, $last + 1); $start = $start + $last + 1; } # End If - Break segment $segment = substr($text, $start, $wordsize + 1); if ( strlen($segment) <= $wordsize ) { # Final segment is smaller than word size. $newtext .= $segment; $done = "true"; } # End If - Final segment is smaller than word size. } # End While - Parse text $newtext = str_replace("\r", "\r\n", $newtext); # Replace linefeeds return $newtext; } # End of function - Word Break // Function to filter out bad words ------------------------------------------ function swapBadWords($string) { global $gbBadWords; // Count the number of array element of the bad word array $nBadWords = sizeof($gbBadWords); for ($i = 0; $i < $nBadWords; $i++) { // Grab the first letter of bad word $banned = substr($gbBadWords[$i], 0, 1); // Replace remaining letters of bad word for ($j = 1; $j < strlen($gbBadWords[$i]); $j++) { $banned .= "*"; } // chars replaced with *. $string = str_replace($gbBadWords[$i], $banned, $string); } return $string; } function check_referer($referers) { // If there are any referrers in the list ... if (count($referers)) { $found = false; // Use the browsers referrer header. $temp = explode("/",getenv("HTTP_REFERER")); $referer = $temp[2]; if ($referer=="") { $referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; list($remove,$stuff)=split('//',$referer,2); list($home,$stuff)=split('/',$stuff,2); $referer = $home; } // Check agains list. for ($x=0; $x < count($referers); $x++) { if (eregi ($referers[$x], $referer)) { $found = true; } } // Refererer is blank. if ($referer =="") $found = false; if (!$found) { // You might alter this to print some sort of error of your own. echo "<b>You are submitting an entry from an <b>unauthorized domain.</b><br><br>"; } return $found; } else { return true; } } ?> Add.php: <html> <head> <title>Malcolm James' Guestbook</title> <link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href="style.css"> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .style1 {color: #999999} a:visited { color: #FFCC00; } .style2 {color: #CCCCCC} .style3 { font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; } .style4 { color: #CCCCCC; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; } .style6 {color: #333333} .style7 {color: #666666} --> </style> </head> <p>&nbsp;</p> </html> <?php // Including header, functions and configuration files ------------------ include("config.php"); // Including header of the system --------------------------------------- include("functions.php"); include(""); $referers = array ('','',''); if (!check_referer($referers)) { // Form was not submitted from the site so exit echo "<center><br><a href=\"javascript:history.go(-1)\" class=\"text\"><font color=red>NICE TRY! NOW GET LOST!</font></center>"; include(""); exit; } // Re-assigning the variables passed by posted form --------------------- $yourname = $_POST['yourname']; $youremail = $_POST['youremail']; $yourmessage = $_POST['yourmessage']; $date = date("D m/j/y g:iA"); // Error Handeling and entry checking ----------------------------------- echo "<center><h2>$addentryheadtxt</h2></center>"; // Name Validation Section ----------------------------- if ($name_optional != 0) { if (strlen($yourname) > 40) // Check Name Length { $error .= "<br>$error1"; } if (empty($yourname)) // Check if Name field is empty { $error .= "<br>$error4"; } } // email Validation Section ----------------------------- if ($email_optional != 0) { if (empty($youremail)) // Check if email field is empty { $error .= "<br>$error5"; } } // Message Validation Section --------------------------- if ($message_optional != 0) { if (empty($yourmessage)) // Check if Message field is empty { $error .= "<br>$error6"; } } // Notify administrator of new email if option is selected ---------------------------------------- if ($notify_admin == 1) { mail("$notify_admin_email", "$notify_subject", "$notify_message"); } // Smiley face insertion into the message --------------------------------------------------------- $yourname = smiley_face($yourname); $yourmessage = smiley_face($yourmessage); // Call for filtering bad words ------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($gbBadWordsKey == 1) { $yourmessage = swapBadWords($yourmessage); } // Give Confirmation that the Guestbook Entry was written ----------------------------------------- echo "<p>$result1 "; echo $date; echo "<br><br>"; $temp1 = stripslashes($yourname); $temp2 = stripslashes($youremail); $temp3 = stripslashes($yourmessage); echo "<b>$yournametxt</b> $temp1 <br>"; echo "<b>$youremailtxt</b> $temp2 <br>"; echo "<b>$yourMessagetxt</b> $temp3 <br>"; echo "<p>&nbsp;</p>"; // Write the verified guestbook entry to file ---------------------------------------------------- $outputstring = "<b>$listDatetxt:</b> ".$date."<br><b>$listnametxt:</b> ".$yourname."<br><b>$listemailtxt: </b>".$youremail."<br><br><b>$listMessagetxt:</b> ".$yourmessage."<hr>\n"; // open file for appending @ $fp = fopen("list.txt", "a"); flock($fp, 2); if (!$fp) { echo "<p><strong> $error7. " ."$error8.</strong></p></body></html>"; exit; } fwrite($fp, $outputstring); flock($fp, 3); fclose($fp); echo "<center><p><b>$result2.</b></p></center>"; include(""); ?>



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18 years 7 months ago #61 by sand

Pete wrote: Quest,

If you want to keep the spammers out 100% of the time, the best way to do that is to use image verification. Email me if you are interested in this.

Hello and thanks for the great work! Image verification would be really great.

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18 years 7 months ago #62 by Pete

Although the function above is fine, after some trial and error we found out that the spam function above is NOT going to stop spammers 100%. Instead, thanks to Karen we wrote an image verification system that HAS stopped spammers completely.

If you are interested in using this image verification feature, send us an email requesting the code.

DigiOz Webmaster

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18 years 7 months ago #63 by Quest
Yes please. Email has been sent - I look forward to your reply.


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18 years 7 months ago #64 by Pete

I didn't get any emails yet. Did you send it to ?

DigiOz Webmaster

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18 years 7 months ago #65 by Pete
In case anyone else is interested, you can download the DigiOz Guestbook Version 1.6 with Image Verification here: ...

DigiOz Webmaster

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