New Guestbook Data File Converter Released!

17 years 8 months ago #523 by Pete
New version of the Converter script is released. This converter which can be used to convert from DigiOz Guestbook data file version 1.0 through 1.6 to the new Object oriented format of version 1.7 or higher, fixes some issues that prevented the conversion of data files in languages other then English, as well as allows for blank email address to be converted (Norman, feel free to use this new version):
<? //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Author: Pete Soheil /// DigiOz Multimedia /// /// Revised: 01/02/07 /// Support: Visit for support. /// Description: The purpose of this script is to convert /// the list.txt data from the old format /// (which was used for DigiOz Guestbook 1.0 /// through 1.6) to the new Object Oriented /// Serialized format in Guestbook Version 1.7 /// or higher. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// /// Function to reverse smiley face /// and style formatting in messages ////////////////////////////////////// function smiley_face_undo($yourmessage) { $i = 0; $ubb1 = array( "[b]", "[B]", "[/b]", "[/B]", "[u]", "[U]", "[/u]", "[/U]", "[i]", "[I]", "[/i]", "[/I]", "[center]", "[CENTER]", "[/center]", "[/CENTER]" ); $ubb2 = array( "<b>", "<B>", "</b>", "</B>", "<u>", "<U>", "</u>", "</U>", "<i>", "<I>", "</i>", "</I>", "<center>", "<CENTER>", "</center>", "</CENTER>" ); $sm1 = array( ":?:", ":D", ":?", ":cool:", ":cry:", ":shock:", ":evil:", ":!:", ":frown:", ":idea:", ":arrow:", ":lol:", ":x", ":mrgreen:", ":|", ":P", ":oops:", ":roll:", ":(", ":)", ":o", ":twisted:", ":wink:" ); $sm2 = array( "question", "biggrin", "confused", "cool", "cry", "eek", "evil", "exclaim", "frown", "idea", "arrow", "lol", "mad", "mrgreen", "neutral", "razz", "redface", "rolleyes", "sad", "smile", "surprised", "twisted", "wink" ); $sm3 = array( ": ?:", ":D", ":?", ":cool:", ":cry:", ":shock:", ":evil:", ":!:", ":frown:", ":idea:", ":arrow:", ":lol:", ":x", ":mrgreen:", ":|", ":P", ": oops :", ":roll:", ":(", ":)", ":o", ":twisted:", ":wink:" ); // UBB Code Removal and Replacing HTML tags with the appropriate UBB tag for ($i=0; $i<=15; $i++) { $yourmessage = str_replace($ubb2[$i], $ubb1[$i], $yourmessage); } // Removing smiley faces for guestbook entries for ($i=0; $i<=22; $i++) { $yourmessage = str_replace("<img src=\"images/icon_$sm2[$i].gif\" ALT=\"$sm3[$i]\">", $sm1[$i], $yourmessage); } return $yourmessage; } ////////////////////////////////////// /// Main Body of the Converter Script ////////////////////////////////////// include("../config.php"); include("../language/".$default_language); include("../gbclass.php"); $fd = fopen ("list.txt", "r"); while (!feof ($fd)) { $buffer = fgets($fd, 4096); $lines[] = $buffer; } fclose ($fd); $countLines = count($lines); //echo $countLines; foreach ($lines as $value) { // Find each part of the entry $value = str_replace("<b>".$listDatetxt.":</b>", "|", $value); $value = str_replace("<br><b>".$listnametxt.":</b>", "|", $value); $value = str_replace("<br><b>".$listemailtxt.": </b>", "|", $value); $value = str_replace("<br><br><b>".$listMessagetxt.":</b>", "|", $value); $value = smiley_face_undo($value); $msgArray = explode("|", $value); $tmpDate = $msgArray[1]; $tmpFrom = $msgArray[2]; $tmpEmail = $msgArray[3]; $tmpMessage = $msgArray[4]; $tmpEmail = str_replace('"','"', $tmpEmail); $tmpEmail = str_replace("'","'", $tmpEmail); $tmpEmail = strip_tags($tmpEmail); $tmpFrom = strip_tags($tmpFrom); $tmpFrom = str_replace('"','"', $tmpFrom); $tmpFrom = str_replace("'","'", $tmpFrom); $tmpMessage = strip_tags($tmpMessage, "<br>"); $tmpMessage = str_replace('"','"', $tmpMessage); $tmpMessage = str_replace("'","'", $tmpMessage); if ($tmpEmail == "") { $tmpEmail = "xx@yy.zz"; } if($tmpDate != "" && $tmpFrom != "" && $tmpEmail != "" && $tmpMessage != "") { if ($tmpEmail == "xx@yy.zz") { $tmpEmail = ""; } $a = new gbClass(); $a->setGBVars($tmpDate,$tmpFrom,$tmpEmail,$tmpMessage); @ $fp = fopen("list_converted.txt","a"); flock($fp, 2); $data = serialize($a)."<!-- E -->"; fwrite($fp, $data); flock($fp, 3); fclose($fp); } } echo "<b>Guestbook Entry Conversion Completed!</b>"; ?>

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